oracle scalar subquery caching

这是oracle特有的特性,当对于子查询未展开(包括标量子查询)时,oracle会维护一个hash table的内存区域缓存,对于重复的关联列,并不需要重复的执行子查询。该特性在Cost Based Oracle Fundamental书中有介绍。

Oracle limits the size of the in-memory hash table (presumably to stop excessive memory consumption in unlucky cases).In 8i and 9i the limit on the size of the hash table seems to be 256 entries, in 10g it seems to be
1,024.This means the performance of a subquery filter can be affected by the number of different driving values that exist, the order in which they appear in the pass through the driving table,and the actual values. If the hash table is simply too small, or you have driving values that just happen to cause excessive collisions on the hash table, then you may execute the subquery far more frequently than is strictly necessary.






此条目发表在Oracle, Oralce performance分类目录,贴了标签。将固定链接加入收藏夹。


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