
案例:troubleshooting Connection is Slow using SCAN LISTENER

本案例来自西区某客户,数据库版本12.2。客户故障现象为连接local vip正 … 继续阅读

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案例:troubleshooting ORA-04030 in MGA on 19c

本案例来自东区某客户,db版本为19.12,业务应用程序频繁报ORA-04030 … 继续阅读

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案例:troubleshooting LGWR terminating the instance due to error 4021 on standby

该案例来自南区某客户的standby环境,数据库版本为11.2.0.4,凌晨实例 … 继续阅读

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案例:troubleshooting ORA-04031 in “gcs dynamic shadows lms” on 19c

某客户环境rac 19.3出现大量ORA-04031报错,导致业务不能正常运行。

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案例:troubleshooting gc buffer busy acquire(二)


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案例:troubleshooting ORA-01722 from Queries with Dependent Predicates

本案例来自西区某客户,应用反应某条sql好几年都运行正常,最近经常会出现ORA- … 继续阅读

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