Troubleshooting: ‘Log file sync’ Waits

关于log file sync,这对于每一个oracle dba甚至业务开发人员都应该非常熟悉的一个前台等待事件,关于它的诊断在mos中有非常多的文档可供参考,做了8年的oracle dba居然没有对该等待事件做个总结,实在惭愧,本文就跟它做个了断。。。

log file sync是一个非常重要的性能指标,而且由于oracle的一些机制,如cache fusion、fast commit cleanout等机制,它也是造成很多其他等待事件延迟高的元凶。比如gc等待、buffer busy wait。

What is a ‘log file sync’ wait?

When a user session commits, all redo records generated by that session’s transaction need to be flushed from memory to the redo logfile to insure changes to the database made by that transaction become permanent.

At the time of commit, the user session will post LGWR to write the log buffer (containing the current unwritten redo, including this session’s redo records) to the redo log file. Once LGWR knows that its write requests have completed, it will post the user session to notify it that this has completed. The user session waits on ‘log file sync’ while waiting for LGWR to post it back to confirm all redo it generated have made it safely onto disk.

The time between the user session posting the LGWR and the LGWR  posting the user after the write has completed is the wait time for ‘log file sync’ that the user session will show.

一个log file sync的生命周期

当一个事务提交或者回滚时,前台进程将进入等待log file sync(除非设置commit_wait=nowait),直到完成整个提交流程,大致过程如下:

俗话说,知己知彼才能百战百胜,只有清晰的理解了整个log file sync流程才能对其进行准确的诊断。

log file sync的诊断点

1) LGWR进程优先级



  • LGWR绑核
  • 通过参数“_high_priority_processes”调整LGWR进程优先级

2) I/O性能差或者链路抖动导致log file parallel write延迟高

这应该是大家都知道的一个性能关注点,对于log file parallel write的延迟,可以通过awr、lgwr trace或者大量的内部视图去诊断。

  • DBA_HIST_SYSTEM_EVENT可以查看每个snapshot的log file parallel write的平均延迟
  • DBA_HIST_EVENT_HISTOGRAM可以查看每个snapshot的log file parallel write的性能直方图,用于判断log file parallel write性能是否稳定
  • V$EVENTMETRIC可以查看近1分钟内的log file parallel write平均延迟情况,我处理实时问题的时候比较喜欢用它
  • 还可以通过lgwr trace去查看是否有超时的告警,由参数”_long_log_write_warning_threshold“控制,默认500ms,超过500ms的将会在lgwr trace中输出

对于11.2.0.4及其以后版本,oracle还增加了一项统计“Redo Synch Time Overhead”
用于判断log file parallel write对log file sync影响程度

The statistic, ‘redo synch time overhead’, included in and 12c, records the difference between ideal and actual, ‘log file sync’ times.  If the difference is small, then large ‘log file sync’ waits may be attributed to outlier ‘log file parallel write’ times.

如果发现存在log file parallel write延迟过高或者不稳定的情况,需要结合awr和osw的iostat、os message、demsg去诊断I/O问题(磁盘、HBA、光纤/ib交换机、多路径、I/O流量、IOPS等等),此外还需要关注redo切换频率,是否redo太小。

3) rac之间broadcast on commit同步scn延迟高

对于rac,每次提交还需要将SCN同步到其他实例,此时log file sync的流程如下:

可以通过awr和内部统计视图查看BOC同步SCN的时间redo write broadcast ack time。redo write broadcast ack time/redo writes 可以得到平均每次boc scn ack的延迟,该延迟非常依赖Avg message sent queue time on ksxp (us),该统计通常小于1ms。直接可以反映私网的性能。

可以通过开启KST来跟踪BOC的过程。开启之后可以查看各个实例的LGWR、LMS trace去观测BOC过程


如果判断是BOC ack scn导致的问题,那么需要通过osw里面的netstat和检查交换机去分析是否是os参数不当或者交换机导致的私网性能问题。另外还需要关注的就是LMS优先级,不过在11.2.0.4及其以上版本,LMS默认就加入到”_high_priority_processes“参数中了。

4) 存在sync同步的standby,由于网络延迟导致

When SYNC is enabled we introduce a remote write (RFS write to a standby redo log) in addition to the normal local write for commit processing (unless using Fast Sync with Oracle Database 12c). This remote write, depending on network latency and remote I/O bandwidth, can make commit processing increase in time. Since commit processing is taking longer that means that we will see more sessions waiting on LGWR to finish its work and begin work on their commit request

可以通过一些等待事件去判断是否由于sync传输redo的性能问题导致的log file sync延迟高

可以通过设置主备库的alter system set 16410 trace name context forever, level 16去观察发送/接收redo的过程。

如果发现是由于sync模式导致的log file sync过高,那么最好的办法就是sync改为async,sync对网络延迟和备库I/O要求都比较苛刻,也比较容易出现问题,今天才分析了一个由于大量TCP重传导致Redo Transport MISC 延迟过高加剧了log file sync延迟的问题。可以通过tcpdump去发现。

如果非要用sync的话,除了检查主备osw中netstat/iostat,判断os参数是否合理、网卡是否异常;I/O性能是否异常之外。建议参考sync模式的最佳实践来进行配置,如根据每秒redo生成量,合理的创建redo组大小;根据网络带宽和延迟,合理在TNS或者SQLNET层面设置合理的tcp socket buffer等等,详细设置在文档中,这里就不概述了。

5) 过于频繁的commit/rollback


In the AWR or Statspack report, if  the  average user calls per commit/rollback  calculated as “user calls/(user commits+user rollbacks)”   is less than 30, then  commits are happening too frequently

6) Adaptive Log File Sync

There are 2 methods by which LGWR and foreground processes can communicate in order to acknowledge that a commit has completed:

1.Post/wait –

traditional method available in previous Oracle releases
LGWR explicitly posts all processes waiting for the commit to complete.
The advantage of the post/wait method is that sessions should find out almost immediately when the redo has been flushed to disk.

2.Polling –
Foreground processes sleep and poll to see if the commit is complete.
The advantage of this new method is to free LGWR from having to inform many processes waiting on commit to complete thereby freeing high CPU usage by the LGWR.
Initially the LGWR uses post/wait and according to an internal algorithm evaluates whether polling is better. Under high system load polling may perform better because the post/wait implementation typically does not scale well. If the system load is low, then post/wait performs well and provides better response times than polling. Oracle relies on internal statistics to determine which method should be used. Because switching between post/wait and polling incurs an overhead, safe guards are in place in order to ensure that switches do not occur too frequently

Adaptive Log File sync was introduced in 11.2. The parameter controlling this feature, _use_adaptive_log_file_sync, is set to false by default in and
In the default is now true. When enabled, Oracle can switch between the 2 methods。

该参数可以自适应的调整前台进程收到lgwr反馈消息的方式,可以通过lgwr trace或者awr统计中的redo synch poll writes/redo synch polls来判断是否发生过切换,通常Polling模式会出现长时间的log file sync,所以该参数一般都建议关掉。

7) LGWR被阻塞


over,关于log file sync的总结就那么多了,有不足之处欢迎交流。

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